Antenatal Clinic
The clinic is run by the community midwife on Wednesdays from midday by appointment.
Asthma Clinic
The clinic is run by the practice nurse on a regular basis. Please ask for an appointment.
Cardiac Clinic
The purpose of this clinic is to prevent heart attacks. All the risk factors (smoking, obesity, blood pressure etc) are dealt with and appropriate advice is given.
FibriCheck is an app that can be offered to patients to check their heart rhythm including atrial fibrillation, where it is assessed as a non-urgent by a member of the clinical team. It allows the patient a quick and easy home solution to measure their heart rhythm and rate. For further information please click on these links.
FibriCheck FAQ (PDF, 270KB)
Patient Poster
Install and setup your FibriCheck account - YouTube
Cervical Cytology
For women aged 25 to 64. Smears are done by the practice nurse by appointment.
Diabetic Clinic
The clinic is run by the practice nurse for diabetic monitoring and advice.
Dietary Advice
The clinic is run by the practice nurse or health care assistant.
Family Planning
Advice is given in normal surgery by the doctor/nurse. Emergency contraception is also available at your local Pharmacy. Preconception counselling is available.
Immunisation For Children
Immunisation clinics are on Thursday. These can also be done in the Practice Nurses' normal surgery by appointment, if the Clinic time is not convenient.
Flu Injections
Usually start mid-September. Please ask reception for further details.
Hypertension Clinic
The clinic is run by the practice nurse or the health care assistant. Please make an appointment.
Minor Operations
Removal of cysts, abscesses, infected toenails, moles, joint injections and warts are dealt with by the doctor, assisted by the health care assistant. This is by waiting list appointment.
Postnatal Examination
Examination is done six weeks after delivery for baby and mum. This is carried out by the doctor by appointment only.
Health Promotion Clinic
Any patient of any age can discuss any health problems. We give a general check-up and anyone can make an appointment to see the nurse. NHS Health Checks are available to patients aged 40 to 74. Details are available at reception.
Non-NHS Examinations
HGV, PSV and insurance medicals etc are carried out by special arrangements with the doctor. These examinations carry a fee; details available at reception.
Bereavement Counselling
Please ask if you need to use this service. This is done by a professional service outside of the Practice.