The practice is proud to have a Patient Participation Group (PPG) which was formed in October 2011 and is now up and running. If patients are interested in joining the group or indeed finding out more about it, then information is available in practice and also group members are available to talk to. Members of the group can range from the young to the retired and the aim of the group is to represent the voice of the patients.
As we did last year, the PPG and the practice worked together to produce the patient survey and with the help of the ICB all the results were analysed and published here on the practice website. It seems patients favour a short survey to complete and the aim was to cover all areas needed for a positive patient experience, ie, access times, locality, availability, staffing, consultations etc. The Practice and the PPG are very grateful for the help of the ICB in analysing the results and enabling us to have them available on the website.
The PPG and the practice have seen the results and also the link is advertised in practice for people to go to should they choose to. At the present time, we have not had any feed back from the patients themselves but the PPG have been through the results and in general these reflect a very high standard which the practice aims to continue and improve on over the next year.
The practice and the PPG are trying to promote and encourage more people to use the website to book appointments and ask for prescriptions etc and we now have a PPG page for newsletters and so on, which is being developed over the next months. It is also recognised that contact with reception is very favourable also, as people like to talk to reception staff in person.
In conclusion, at the present time, the practice feels that the results of the survey are continuous of other surveys completed in the past and therefore the practice strives to maintain and improve on standards for the coming year for our patients, always bearing in mind the patient experience from arriving to leaving the practice is always positive.
The practice would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with the survey and also thanks to the patients for taking the time to complete this.
Dr M Arora, Dr W Abbasi and Dr S Mir
Patient Participation Group